Monday, December 31, 2012

Parent: a great noun that's even a better verb.

Tonight there is a great opportunity to make nouns into verbs.  No, this isn’t a grammar lesson.  We won’t be diagramming sentences, looking for action verbs or explaining what happens when modifiers are left dangling. 
Tonight is an excellent opportunity to make parent, often used as a noun – “My parents remember using a rotary phone attached to a stretchy, curly cord”, into a verb.

Parent your children by knowing what they will be doing tonight and take measures, make decisions that will help keep them safe.  Taking car keys from underage drinkers is not the solution.  Alcohol poisoning is not averted because parents took car keys from teenagers and then allowed them to drink while partying in the basement.  

Parent your children by communicating with other parents.  If your son or daughter is staying at a friend’s house, call those parents and ask what they will do to ensure alcohol is not a part of the New Year celebration.

Parent your children by explaining to them why you care about what they will do tonight.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Example's Christmas Gift

 Students' Advice for Students
At our last Example event students wrote down advice they wanted other students to hear.  The temptations to drink and use drugs are always strong, but with the numerous holiday parties, they may be even stronger.   Check out the wall by the office for more words of encouragement.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Example's Christmas Party

The event began with a gift exchange.  The Most Creative Present was from Dana who gifted Nicole's life with a new goldfish.  

The Most Ewww Present went to Mereidth.  With her new supply of elastics, Meredith won't need any help with her braces for some time. 

The Most Awkward Present may have been the the booklet of creeped photos of Mr. Brandt with faces of family members replaced by a white circle and a "Your face here." message.  Mr. Brandt has contacted his legal team and is investigating if this privacy intrusion violates the Patriot Act. 

 Students acted out Christmas songs while the other groups tried to guess the title.  I believe the answer to the human contortionists pictured at the right was Joy to the World.

The evening also included the Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest.  It was a fiercely competitive battle, but at the end of the night, the people spoke and cheered, whistled and voted 

Anna as the Ugly Christmas Sweater Champion of 2012

The evening closed with the study of I Timothy 4:12.  Paul encourages Timothy to be strong and not let others look down on him because he is young.  The advice Paul gave Timothy is the same advice we can apply to our lives.  Our response to the mercy and grace freely given to us through Christ's death and resurrection, is to be examples to others in speech, life, love, faith and purity.  Students then wrote advice to other students and parents about how to avoid the temptations of alcohol and drug use.  Their encouraging words of advice are posted in the main hallway by the office.

For more pictures and videos check out  Example on Facebook.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Example Advice to Students...and Parents

One event at Example's Christmas party involved students writing down advice they would like to give to their friends and parents.  The comments will be displayed along the main hallway this week.  Here are just a few examples of Example advice

Students' Advice to Students: During vacation there are plenty of temptations to drink and use drugs.  This is not part of God's plan for us.  What advice could you give to your friends that will help them avoid these temptations?

  • Be strong in the Lord. He is with you and will guide you. Don't give into the temptations that the devil puts in front of you.  Remember, that God is with you and will give you strength. 
  • Spend time with friends and family who will encourage you to make smart decisions.  The decision to say "No" is easier when there are others backing you up. 
  • Put yourself in situations where you are not going to be tempted.
  • "One time" could be the "one time" too many.  It is not worth it.

Students' Advice to Parents: So often we look to parents for advice. Their wisdom and experience are encouraging and helpful. What advice could you give parents that would help and encourage you to avoid the dangers of drinking and drugs?

  • Set a good example for those you come in contact with.  Acknowledge that underage drinking and drugs are bad, and support those who choose to make the right decision.
  • Ground your kids in scripture.
  • Be responsible with how much and what you drink.  Set an example to your kids.
  • Supporting underage drinking doesn't help anyone.  Don't try to be the "cool" parent. It puts people in danger. Be smart and Responsible
Pictures and videos of the Christmas party will be posted soon.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Recycle, Reuse, Reduce and REGIFT!

This just in....
Bring a wrapped, white elephant gift to the Example Christmas Party this Saturday, December 15.  Confused?  We will exchange gifts at the Example Christmas party.  Find something odd, quirky or useful around the house, wrap it up and watch the hilarity ensue when Franky picks your gift.  
Don't have anything quirky or creative lying around the house?  Hustle over to Aunt Matilda's homestead.  I know, I know.  You were just there looking for an ugly Christmas sweater.  Well, she had that so you know she'll have something you can use for a white elephant gift.  

Recycle, Reuse, Reduce and REGIFT
Let's be honest.  You never found a use for that cookie cutter shaped like a carburetor.  Crazy Uncle Ned thought he was doing you a favor.  Do yourself a favor and unload that baby at the Example Christmas party.  Regifting is strongly encourage.  The more outrageous the gift, the better. 

The party begins at 7:00.  Cost is $3.00

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ugly Christmas Sweater?

There seems to be plenty of competition for Example's Ugly Christmas Sweater contest.  Some are trying to accessorize their ugly Christmas sweater ensemble with an Ugly Christmas sweater-face.  The stakes are high, competition fierce and pride is on the line.  

Rummage through Aunt Bertha's moth-ridden closets, seize that beautifully-hideous Christmas sweater and head over to Example's Christmas party on Saturday, December 15, at 7:00.  The cost is $3.00.  

Grinchy Christmas sweater-face is optional.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Example's Christmas Party

Nobody believed there was an uglier Christmas sweater than what Anna Kasper donned to win the 2010 Ugly Christmas Sweater contest.
Nobody, that is, until Dustin made his grand entrance at the 2011 Example Christmas party.  Last year Dustin Schwark managed to cobble together the ugliest Christmas sweater ensemble known to modern day Example events.  Not only did he wear Great Aunt Helga Schwark's Christmas mitts, he also grabbed Ma and Pa Schwark's Christmas wreath right off the front door.
This made for a spectacularly ugly look and it was just what he needed to win Example's Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest. It was also just what he needed to avoid being grounded for months. Christmas M&Ms go a long way to assuage parental anger.  Word on Schwark Ave. is that Jacquelyn has been working hard to keep the winning tradition alive.

This year's Example Christmas Party is on 
Saturday, December 15, from 7:00 - 9:00.  
The cost is $3.00.

As always Example alumni are invited 
to revel in Ugly Christmas Sweater fun.  
Deduct the alumni discount and you only have to pay $3.00.  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Example's shOctober event

There isn't a category for best coin costume, but if you take the time to whip up something like this, we'll make sure you go home a winner - it's only common cents.  Ha!
If you don't have any green blankets you can transform into a slick five-dollar bill, try competing in one of these other categories:
Favorite teacher:  See if Mr. Felten will let you borrow his beard or if Mr. Ebel will let you borrow his hair. Oh, wait. Strike that last idea

 Best Animal:  It works for Kratt's Kreatures.  Try coming as a Wolverine. It sure beats a Spartan.

 Most Creative:  Apply your mad art skills and dazzle everyone with your Mackinac Bridge costume, or your Belle Isle costume.  Hey, why not dress up as a Word of the Week.  Dress up as the ubiquitous #.  Don't know what ubiquitous means?  Try the previous WoW suggestion.  Maybe Mrs. Schuetz would give you points....or take them away.  If you come dressed as Jose Valverde be sure your bring a friend to shut the door behind you.  Why?  He can't close.
????NotSureWhatYou'reTryingToAccomplishButIt'sInteresting????:  Participation makes the event more fun.

 So 19_ _ (Fill in the decade)
As always, remain modest and no cross dressing.
Example's shOctober event takes place this Saturday from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. The cost is $3.00.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Homecoming Advice for Parents

Homecoming isn't too far away and it's a great opportunity to be an Example to your son and/or daughter.  Here are some tips for parents taken from another web site.

q  Know where your teenager will be.  Obtain the phone number and address of the party giver.  Agree that your teenager will call if he goes to another location.
q  Personally contact the parents of the party-giver.  When you call: verify the occasion, offer support or assistance, make sure an adult will be present, and be certain that alcohol and other drugs will not be permitted.
q  Know how your teenager will get to and from the party.  Let your teen know that you, or a specified friend or neighbor, can be called if a ride home is needed for any reason.  Discuss with your teenager the situations which might make such a call necessary.  Reinforce that under no circumstances should your teenager allow someone who has been taking drugs or drinking alcohol to drive them anywhere.
q  Determine with your teenager a reasonable curfew.  Be awake or have your teen awaken you upon arrival home.  Being up and available when your teen comes home encourages communication and could alert you to a potential problem.
q  If your teenager stays overnight with a friend after the party, personally check with the parents.  Be sure they will be home and want your teen to stay over.  Spontaneous “sleep-over” arrangements should always be confirmed with the host parents.

Last May Example reminded parents about the legal responsibilities of hosting parties.  Look it over as you plan Homecoming activities this year.

The Lord has blessed us with children and with those blessing also come responsibilities.  
"Train up a child in the way he should go; 
even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Free Shipping

Buy an Example t-shirt for $10.00 or prepare now for those Winter-Weather Fridays
by purchasing an Example hoodie for $25.00.
See Mr. Brandt for details.
Act now and take advantage of the free shipping deal. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Example's 2012 Kickoff

There were ninety students who attended Example's first event of the year!  
We made the banner for the year.  If you couldn't make the first event but want to place your hand on the banner to show the school that there are plenty of people who want to be Examples, see Mr. Brandt after school this week.

Yes, William Shakespeare and Mr. DeCourval were at the event...kind of.

Our focus was on Joshua 1:9  "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  The comfort God gave to Joshua was the focus for our first event."  The encouragement God gives to Joshua is the same encouragement that we can use during this school year.  Yes, there will be struggles.  Yes, there will be stress.  Yes, there will be pressures and temptations.  However, we are not left alone to figure life out.  We have the promise of life in Christ our Savior.  Knowing our sins are forgiven and knowing we are God's redeemed children we live in joyful response to all that is ours in Christ.  

Start planning now for the next event on October 13 at 7:00 pm. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hot dogs....get your hot dogs!

Offering expertly grilled hot dogs, Example welcomed freshmen and their parents to Lutheran North.   "I thought it would be a nice welcome to the school.  Who can resist the aroma of grilled, in some cases slightly charred, hot dogs?" explained Example advisor Mr. Brandt. 
Welcome freshmen 
We are looking forward to seeing you at Example events. 
The first is Saturday, September 15 at 7:00. 
Guess The Caption Contest
A. I'm not sure this trash can is a good way to serve Example dogs.
B.  I think hot dog #15 might have been one too many.  Could you move that trash can this way?
C.  Grilled, burnt, charred, smoked.  There's no bad way to cook an Example dog.
D.  Naturally encased nitrates, chicken parts and beef byproducts - Mmmmmm, supper.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Example's First Event of the Year

Example's first event of the year is Saturday, September 15 @ 7:00 pm.  Call your boss and tell him you need the day off.  Call the mother of those urchins you babysit and tell her you can't make it.  Tell your teacher you won't be able to craft that 47 page research paper, complete with MLA parenthetical documentation, because you will be too geeked to concentrate before the event and too exhausted from the frenzied fun after it. 

SPECIAL OFFER.  Follow Example on Twitter - @LHNExample - and we'll enter your name in the drawing at our first event.  What could you win?  You'll have to go the first event to find out. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Yes, Example has a Twitter account.  

Yes, you should follow it.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Welcome...and welcome back

School begins two weeks from today: lunch, lockers, homework, homecoming, labs, PowerSchool, chapel, daily announcements, Big Cookies...and Example.

The planning process has already started as we look forward to another great year, responding to all the blessings our Lord has given us. 

As usual we will create a new banner at our first activity which will be near the end of September.  We'll post and announce the date as soon as possible.  In the meantime, check here for dates, events and activities.   Better yet, sign up to receive an e-mail when posts are added to the Example blog. 

If you know any freshmen encourage them to get involved with a great group that encourages students to remain strong in their faith and make wise decisions concerning drugs and alcohol.  Remember, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.”   I Timothy 4:12

Friday, July 6, 2012

Helping FAN

F.A.N. Families Against Narcotics is hosting its annual Run Drugs Out of Town 5k run/walk on Saturday, July 21.  Here is more information about the event and here is more information about F.A.N. 

This past year Example invited the president of FAN and several youth in recovery to speak to our students.  The young men encouraged all those in attendance to make intelligent decisions before you get into a situation you can't handle.
If you are in town and are looking to help support a worthy cause, you've just found it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Example's Third Annual Kickball Tournament

Example hosted its third annual kickball tournament to mark the end of another year of encouraging students to avoid the consequences of drug and alcohol use.  Perfectly grilled hot dogs and intense kickball competition made for a perfect event as over ninety students enjoyed the last Example activity of the year.
Example alumni showed up to try and erase their very forgettable performance at last year's tournament.  Unfortunately, the results were the same.  Fortunately, they were willing to continue making a difference by helping students understand that drugs and alcohol do not have to be an inevitable part of the high school or college experience.
Example also acknowledged seniors who have been involved during their time at North.  Their leadership and desire to make a difference helps Example to promote its message

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Legal Responsibilities of Graduation Parties

It's graduation season! Celebrations honoring the hard work of high school graduates is a fun, exciting and hectic time.  It also needs to be legal.  Laura K. Brestovansky, writer for The Macomb Daily, wrote an excellent article discussing the legal ramifications of hosting graduation parties.
If you are hosting or attending graduation parties, Example wants to encourage you to be aware of the responsibilities so all who attend can enjoy experience without legal or tragically fatal consequences.

Here are a couple of interesting excerpts:
  • Parents who are planning post-prom and -commencement parties for their teens try to make their gatherings enticing enough to keep the seniors from going elsewhere (i.e., to locations where there could be risky substances and behaviors). But those parents must also keep those substances from being smuggled in by their guests.
  • "When we asked focus groups of students at Chippewa Valley and Dakota High School, many of the students said, ‘You need to talk to the parents,’” Dr. McGunn said. “There are a lot of parents who are either looking the other way, offering teens alcohol or who perhaps are not in the room where the party is taking place.” Dr. McGunn is the executive director of the Chippewa Valley Coalition for Youth and Families.
  • Hold your ground! Don’t provide, ignore or excuse the use of alcohol with kids,” the hosting guidelines conclude. Check pop and water bottles that guests bring.
  • “Parents are key in sending appropriate messages to their children,” Dr. McGunn said. “They need to model good behavior — not serve or provide alcohol — and really supervise the party.”
  • ...Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham points out, parents can be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor (a 90-day misdemeanor). They also can be fined up to $1,000. He said several communities have ordinances concerning house parties that could mean additional citations.  
  • Even when uninvited guests come,” Wickersham said. “It’s your responsibility as parents to control what goes on.” He noted that parents can face civil lawsuits if a situation, such as a drunken-driving accident or an injury, occurs because of underage drinking in their home.

Read the article for for more recommendations for hosting parties and for teens who are attending parties


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Third Annual Kickball Tournament

This motley crew is the '98 Civics, last year's winner of the Example Kickball Tournament.

Example's third annual kickball tournament is this Sunday, May 20 at 4:00.  Gather your chums and think of the most creative team name.  Word on the street is that Example alumni have been working out and holding late-night practices.  Word on another street is that Team Oreos from last year will try to make up for its dismal showing at last year's tournament.  Word on Faculty Avenue is that Mr. Hardy will take no prisoners and has GuaranSHEED another faculty victory.

The hot dogs will be grilled to perfection.  The pop will be chilled to perfection.  Cookies and other snacks will also be available.

Don't feel like playing kickball?  Come and just hang out on a Sunday afternoon. 

Cost is $3.00 per person kicking or non-kicking. 

See Mr. Brandt if you have any questions.

Check out video from the first tournament

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Dose of Reality

Dakota High School is hosting "A Dose of Reality: Youth Prescription Drug Abuse in our Community" program for high school and middle school students and their parents on May 10 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm.

A person in long-term recovery and a pharmacist will speak. A free dinner follows the program and registration is required by May 8.  Call 723-2872

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hosting Assemblies, Blowing up Balloons, Encouraging Others

On Thursday, April 26 members of Example hosted an assembly featuring Dr. Irvin Babcock, pictured on the left speaking with some parents who also attended the assembly. Dr. Irvin Babcock shared her insights and wisdom concerning the dangers of alcohol and drug use.  

Before the assembly members of Example attached balloons to cars.  The message attached to the balloons encouraged all students to not use drugs or alcohol during Prom weekend.

 Yes, students enjoyed putting balloons on cars and even blowing them up after we ran out of helium.  Based on this picture they also liked attempting to pop them and apparently Mercedes enjoyed chasing balloons around the school.  Students also enjoyed the opportunity to make a difference and boldly claim to their peers they were not going to drink or use this weekend.  Students used the week and all the various activities to encourage others to avoid alcohol and drug use this Prom weekend and every weekend.

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.”   - I Timothy 4:12 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Example Tour de Force

Students have been encouraging each other to avoid drugs and alcohol during Prom weekend and every weekend.

They have signed PROMise contracts and addressed the entire student body, encouraging them to respond to the forgiveness of sins and the salvation that is ours in Christ Jesus by not consuming alcohol or drugs.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Remember Prom, please.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.    - I Corinthians 10:13

Friday, April 20, 2012

To encourage students to make healthy, God-pleasing decisions during Prom week, Example is hosting an assembly on Thursday, April 26 featuring Dr. Charlene Babcock, an emergency room doctor.  
She has 21 years of medical experience in Emergency Medicine and is the mother of four Lutheran North graduates. Dr. Babcock will share her insights as a medical professional concerning the dangers and tragic consequences of alcohol.  
Parents are invited to attend chapel at 10:00 in the gym and stay for the forty-five minute assembly. Please contact the school office or John Brandt if you have any questions.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April 5 is National Alcohol Screening Day

Today, April 5 is National Alcohol Screening Day.  If you or people you know are struggling with alcohol use, free and anonymous screenings are available to help control this problem. This health issue is treatable and NASD can help.
Find out where free and anonymous screenings are in your area.