Monday, May 30, 2016

Example Kickball, Fun, Encouragement, Summer

Example ended the school year with its annual kickball tournament.  There were five teams that competed for the coveted trophy.  It was a great day of fun and encouragement and another example that proves high school students can have fun without drugs or alcohol.
Team Faculty's undefeated streak came to an end, but it's already in training for next year.  Mr. Horvath is designing a training program that, if it doesn't kill every faculty member, guarantees the trophy will end up on the mantle in the faculty lounge.

Photo Credit: Chelsea Grobelny
  • Thank you to everyone who was involved with the kickball extravaganza.  
  • Thank you to North's faculty and alumni for being great sports and supporting Example. 
  • Thank you Chelsea Grobelny who took fantastic photos of the event.  Please check them out on Facebook at Chelsea Grobelny Photograpy.
  • Thank you to the parents who dropped off and picked up children during Example events.
  • Thank you for such a supportive administration.  

Finally, thank you heavenly Father for all the gifts you have bestowed upon us and for the mercy, forgiveness and salvation we have in your Son, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

New Kicks on the Block: 2016 Tournament Champions 

Photo Credit: Chelsea Grobelny

Photo Credit: Chelsea Grobelny