Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm not drinking at Prom because...

Hi my name is Danielle and I have made the decision to not drink at Prom.  Although it will be an amazing night with friends and a night we will never forget, in the grand scheme of things Prom is not that big of a deal.
I know.
Prom not a big deal?  You’ve got to be kidding me! The truth is, it’s not. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m just as excited about Prom as the next person, but it’s not a big enough deal for me to risk breaking the law by drinking under age for it.
  • And that’s not a big enough deal for me to lie to my parents and betray their confidence in me.
  • It’s not a big enough deal to lose consciousness over it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would disappoint my friends for it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would lose my sisters’ respect and trust in me for it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would potentially throw away my future college plans for it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would throw away my judgment for it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would throw my morals out the window for it.
  • And it’s certainly not a big enough deal that I would spit in my Savior’s face and deny Him by disobeying Him.
And all for what?  One party? One night?
Certainly a great night, but not great enough to take the place of my family, friends, future and Savior.  Ultimately, you have to decide. 
Is drinking at Prom a big enough deal to you?