Monday, April 29, 2013

Kickball tournament and much more

Example's final event of the year is on Saturday, May 11 at 7:00 pm.  Yes, it's time to break out the kickball gear and get ready for some great fun.  Gather your most trusted friends and call it a team.  Don't have enough for a team?  Fret not, there are always people willing to play so we can create a team when you arrive.  

The important part is that you are there.  Your $3.00 entry fee gets you free access to the field, free parking, expertly grilled hot dogs, pop, cookies, a spacious area to hang out with your friends and a chance at kickball immortality.  

Don't tell anyone but there's talk of an eating contest that you will have to see to believe.  Better yet, you'll have to enter to win.

So you've never been to an Example event?  No problem.  We never take attendance and we just want you to show up and have fun.

See Mr. Brandt if you have any questions

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I'm not drinking at Prom because...

What does it take to have a good time?
Prom is tomorrow and for the majority of you, you want to have the night of your life. So what do you need to do to have fun? For most of you, going to pictures will be okay. You may not be the biggest picture taker, but you get through it. Then you go to dinner with your friends at the designated table…okay not bad. I mean the food is good and you can crack a few jokes to lighten the mood. Then you get to that dancing! It's better but still not the most fun. The music is mediocre, the dances are dumb, but it’s still kind of fun.
Then the after party. Now we are talking! That is going to be the best. You’ll smile your way through pictures, eat your way through dinner, dance your way across the dance floor, and drink your way through the after party! Right? 'Cause I mean everyone is doing it and it will be the BEST TIME EVER!

Will it really? Will it be the best time ever? Because last time I checked, people puking, passing out, getting into car accidents, having poor judgment, making stupid, irrational decisions that can risk your life is not fun.

I have always hated the saying, “have fun but not too much fun” followed by a nudge and a wink. What does that even mean? You mean to tell me that “too much fun” is forgetting the entire night the next morning? Too much fun is being hung over the next morning and puking your guts out! Too much fun is possibly getting busted by the cops and having to pay a fine and having that on your record forever? Too much fun is putting your life and your “friends” lives in danger because of poor decision making?

I will not be drinking at prom. I have great friends that I can have a great time with…without drinking. I don’t need some substance that risks my friendships and my life or my friends’ lives.

Neither do you.

Parker McGoldrick

I'm not drinking at Prom because...

Mercedes' faith in God is the only superpower she needs
Hi my name is Mercedes Hughes and I’m making the choice not to drink at prom. 
I won’t be drinking at prom because I understand the harmful effects it can have on my body.  I know that it hurts not only myself but the people I care about too.  But most importantly I wont be drinking at prom because when you drink you are saying that you and your desires are more important than God.  When you choose to drink you are blatantly saying that that you are above God and his plan for you, and that you know what is best for your life, not God. 
It is not in God’s plan for me and my life.  His plan for me does not include conforming to the patterns of this world, but instead it is to live according to his will.  I know it’s not always easy to stand up against the temptation to fit in by drinking, but we are never alone through temptation. 
In 1 Corinthians 10:13 God promises, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Example's Prom Presentations

On Wednesday, April 24, Example hosted two events to help inform students and parents about the legal consequences of alcohol and drug use.  Mr. Steve Fox, Assistant Prosecutor for Macomb County spoke to Lutheran North's student body during the day and then later that evening he addressed parents. 
We live in a world where information is easy to access.  Unfortunately, many students and parents do not understand the legal or physical consequences of drug and alcohol use.  Mr. Fox clearly informed students and parents during both of his presentations. 
Earlier in the week Zach explained to the student body why he would not be drinking at Prom this weekend. 

The Macomb Daily covered the student body presentation and Channel 4 covered the parent presenation.  Chanel 4's episode will air later in the week.  We will keep you informed of the date.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them,
for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.
He will not leave you or forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm not drinking at Prom because...

Hi my name is Danielle and I have made the decision to not drink at Prom.  Although it will be an amazing night with friends and a night we will never forget, in the grand scheme of things Prom is not that big of a deal.
I know.
Prom not a big deal?  You’ve got to be kidding me! The truth is, it’s not. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m just as excited about Prom as the next person, but it’s not a big enough deal for me to risk breaking the law by drinking under age for it.
  • And that’s not a big enough deal for me to lie to my parents and betray their confidence in me.
  • It’s not a big enough deal to lose consciousness over it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would disappoint my friends for it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would lose my sisters’ respect and trust in me for it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would potentially throw away my future college plans for it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would throw away my judgment for it.
  • It’s not a big enough deal that I would throw my morals out the window for it.
  • And it’s certainly not a big enough deal that I would spit in my Savior’s face and deny Him by disobeying Him.
And all for what?  One party? One night?
Certainly a great night, but not great enough to take the place of my family, friends, future and Savior.  Ultimately, you have to decide. 
Is drinking at Prom a big enough deal to you?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Example PROMise

Example encourages students to enjoy a drug free prom this weekend.  We will post these contracts on the wall near the office.  Stop by Mr. Brandt's room to sign an Example PROMise and get your free Example wristband. 

I'm not drinking at Prom because...

If you don’t know me I’m Megan and I’m a senior.  I’m choosing to not drink at Prom because I know the consequences. Alcohol contributes to all of the leading causes of death among teens.  In my opinion, that’s a good enough reason to steer clear.  Drinking also hinders your relationship with God in the process.

As Matthew 5:48 states, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."  Obviously, none of us can be perfect. That’s Jesus’ job. But what we do is strive to live for Him in everything we do.  By not drinking this weekend, you will not only be taking your life out of jeopardy, but you will also be setting a standard for yourself.

Christ died for us, so why shouldn’t we live for Him?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

It's Just Alcohol

The following article was published on MADD's blog.  You can link to the original article and read more comments.

By Barry Adkins, whose 18 year-old son, Kevin, died of alcohol poisoning on the day he moved out on his own. In an effort to raise awareness Barry walked, from Arizona to Montana, with Kevin’s ashes in his backpack, sharing his story along the way. Barry is also the author of "Kevin’s Last Walk, A Father’s Final Journey With His Son." 

It's just alcohol; at least they’re not doing drugs.” How many of us have said this, heard it, or thought it? Often, we think that as long as they are “just drinking” our children will be okay, but we couldn’t be more wrong. Most illegal drugs are tried for the first time under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol kills more than all illegal drugs combined. The younger your child starts drinking, the more likely they are to become an alcoholic. Still think it isn’t a big deal? Try using Google to search for the term “alcohol abuse” and check out how many results you get.

I am not advocating that we go back to the days of prohibition. It didn’t work before, it won’t work now. I am advocating educating our children about the dangers of alcohol abuse. As a society we do a lousy job of discouraging our children to drink. Television shows and movies glorify binge drinking. They show people getting drunk and having a “good time.” They don’t bother to show you the bad things that can happen when your child drinks. They could get behind the wheel and kill someone or themselves, die from alcohol poisoning or get a DUI. For your precious little girl, it’s things like rape, sexual assault, unwanted pregnancy and STD’s. For that boy you are so proud of, he could be assaulted, or assault someone, or become an unplanned father.

Those precious children that you have held, burped, changed diapers and loved, have hopes and dreams.  They dream of growing up and finding a cure for cancer, helping starving kids around the world, going to the moon, being president, (insert your child’s dream here). They will also be faced with many decisions. Decisions like where they want to go to college, what they want to study, where they want to live, who they want to marry, how many grandchildren they want to bless you with, etc.

All important decisions, no doubt, but the decision your child makes about alcohol will define their lives. Make even one bad decision about alcohol and all of the above hopes and dreams can vanish into thin air.

It’s too late for my son Kevin, who died of alcohol poisoning, on the day he moved out on his own, but it’s not too late for your child. The decisions your child makes about alcohol will have a profound effect on how their life, (and yours), turns out. Educate yourself, and then educate your children. Be a parent, not a buddy, sit down with your child and make a list of the good things that can happen when they drink and the bad things that can happen. It will be an eye opener for both of you. Use news stories that involve poor decision making under the influence of alcohol to start a discussion. My son, Kevin, used to say, “Yeah, yeah dad, you don’t have to tell me again, I know what I am doing,” but he didn’t, and it would cost him his life and alter mine in a way I could never have imagined. Pause for a moment and close your eyes. Imagine yourself getting that “knock on the door” while your child lies dead in a morgue.

Folks, I’m begging you, act as if your child’s life depends on it, because it does.
When you lose a child, the most that you can hope for is to make something very good come from it. That is what I plan to spend the rest of my life doing.

Something very good will come from this…

Friday, April 12, 2013

Prom is in the air

Lutheran North's Prom is Friday, April 26.  Young men are looking for creative ways to ask their dates to this annual event and girls are searching for the perfect shoes to match their perfect dresses.  Prom is certainly an exciting time.

Once again Example is doing all it can to encourage young men and women to avoid the temptations of drugs and alcohol during Prom season.  Take a look at some of annual events and the different activities Example has hosted in the past.

This year is no different.  Plans are underway to help make Prom 2013 fun, safe, God-pleasing and definitely worth remembering.  

One of our main events this year will take place on Wednesday, April 24.  From 10:45 - 11:50 am. Example will host an assembly featuring the Assistant Prosecuting attorney for Macomb County, Mr. Steve Fox.  Mr. Fox spoke at an Example event earlier this year and we are excited that he is willing to return and share his unique insights and experiences. Parents are welcome to attend this assembly.  Please check in at the office and then head to the gym.

Parents, later that evening at 7:00 Mr. Fox will return and discuss the dangers of drug and alcohol use, legal implications for both parents and minors, the dangers and penalties with K2 and other related issues. This will be a great opportunity to learn how we can help our children, families and community avoid the dangers of drugs and alcohol.  Mr. Fox's evening presentation will take place in the media center.

For more information contact John Brandt: JBrandt@lhsa.com586-781-9151 Ext. 118

Saturday, April 6, 2013

AAM: Day Six

Matthew 26:41

"Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”


1 Timothy 4:12

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

What is this AAM all about?

Friday, April 5, 2013

AAM: Day Five

Knowing these facts about underage drinking can help you
avoid tragic consequences...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

AAM: Day Four

Here is some important information for students to know and parents to share with their children:

According to the 2009 College Alcohol Survey, college and university administrators estimate alcohol is involved with...

30% of academic failures
38% of physical injuries
58% of violent behaviors...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

AAM: Day Three

Example showed this video to the student body a couple of years ago during Prom week.  We thought is was perfect for day three of Alcohol Awareness Month 2013.

Isaiah 12:2
“Behold, God is my salvation;
I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.”

Monday, April 1, 2013

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness month. 
It's also the month for Lutheran North's Prom.  Example encourages parents and students to do everything they can to make a difference and stop underage drinking. It's not as difficult as many will lead you to believe.  Parents and students, it may take some courage, but you are not the only ones taking a stand. 
Throughout this month Example will provide information, suggestions and God-pleasing alternatives to underage drinking.  Check out Example's tweets and follow us on Facebook.   

Colossians 3:1,2,17

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.... And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.