Channel 7's Anu Prakash recently aired a segment that all high school students, high school parents, high school teachers and administrators need to watch.
Watch the entire segment below and then plan on attending Example's Prescription Drug Information Night on Wednesday, September 23 from 6:30 - 7:30 in Lutheran North's gym.(WXYZ) - "Not even a year ago, I was living out of my car. Not a penny to my name. I was addicted to heroin," says Brittany Sherfield.
It's an addiction that almost killed the 24-year-old.
Her problems started when she got hooked to prescription pills at age 17. But when that got too expensive, she turned to heroin.
"I overdosed 3 times. One time, I didn't think I was going to pull through," she says.
However, Sherfield did pull through. She realized something had to change.
Going to rehab a few times was part of the process. She's been sober for 9 months now. She says she also got involved with the organization called FAN, or Families Against Narcotics.
"It's hard sharing personal story, but it's so rewarding. I helps keep me sober," she says. "It keeps me going."
Dr. Joe Naughton, Director of Medical Education at Henry Ford Macomb Hospital and Willie Kalousdian, a person in recovery and Director of Youth in Recovery for Families Against Narcotics, are the evening's speakers.
Contact John Brandt,, if you have any questions.