hope summer is going well for everyone!
On July 19th, Families Against
Narcotics will be hosting its Run Drugs Out of Town event. Example wants to get
as many students, parents and members of the Lutheran North community out to
this event.
In April Example asked two members of FAN to speak to our student body. If you
were there, you know what a great presentation it was. FAN has been a great
resource for Example and we want to show our appreciation and support for this group and this event.
You can jog, run, walk, gambol, skip, hop. There is a 5k race, a
10k race and a 5k walk.
this. Share this. Tweet this. Social-media-of-your-choice this to help spread
the word.
- If you run cross country chat this event up with your running chums.
- If you are an incoming freshman, this would be a great way to meet fellow Mustangs.
- If you are a volleyball player, help Example bump, set and spike drugs out of the lives of young men and women.
- If you are a _______________________ (fill in the blank) help support Example by supporting Families Against Narcotics
will take an Example group photo before the event so look for us. Let Mr. Brandt know
if you have any questions and if you plan on going.