Friday, October 29, 2010

Turn on and Tune in

Mark your calendars as Example completes the trifecta! 
On November 13 at 9:00 a.m., Example will once again take to the radio airwaves to broadcast its message of living a drug-free life in response to the forgiveness, mercy, hope and salvation God grants to us because of Christ's righteousness.

Call in and join the discussion: 866-423-9578

Our World His View is a Lutheran radio station and has invited Example back for another show.  This is Example's third opportunity to be a part of the show.

The Example Halloween Costume Party
was a great event.  Over seventy people attended, ate too much candy, laughed, enjoyed each other's company, marvelled at some of the costumes and listened to a parallel between Shadrach, Meeshach and Obednego and confidently living in 2010 knowing our God protects us from all harm and danger - including drugs and alcohol.

Fret not, pictures and video are on the way.