On Saturday, July 31 Example took its anti-alcohol/drugs message to the airwaves.
Mr. Brandt hosted the Lutheran radio show, Our World His View while Coleson Wrege, Kyle Wangelin and Alayna Brandt were in the studio discussing the challenges and rewards of being involved in Example.
This was the second time Example was given the opportunity to be on Our World His View. The first was back in May as the school year wound down. During this broadcast Alayna, Coleson and Kyle discussed the benefit of knowing there are students that share the same beliefs about the dangers of alcohol and drug use. They also offered advice to parents about the important role they have in helping their children battle the pressures of drug and alcohol use.
The broadcast also included a discussion with Pastor Jonathon Bakker, assistant pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Mount Pleasant, Michigan and at Christ the King Lutheran Chapel on the campus at Central Michigan University.
Even though it was the end of July this will be a great springboard for another great year for Example. The intent of Example is to provide an alternative to the weekend drink-fest and to spread the message that alcohol does not have to be an inevitable part of the high school experience. There are a lot of Lutheran North students who believe that message and don't drink or use drugs. There are also students who need to hear the message that in Christ all sins are forgiven and there is strength in the God's grace. Perhaps some have made decisions that are not God-pleasing. That doesn't mean they are excluded from Example. Actually, Example is right where they need to be.
Some activities coming up this school year:
Grade school visits to share the message of Example to the young ones.
Halloween costume party. Mr. Hardy dressed up as a cow? Absolutely!
Indoor/outdoor road rally.
Speaking to LHN freshmen about the keys to a successful high school experience, including Example.
Example Alumni updatesReturn of the water relay, Example Winter Olympics and toilet papering another teacher's room....
Don't let anyone look down on you becasue you are young, but set an Example for the believers
in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
- God as he speaks to us in I Timothy 4:12